

10月2日, 2019, the 永利app新版本官网地址 signed a five-year memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Howard University to mutually enhance one another’s capabilities in the areas of education, 研究, 能力建设. The partnership aims to establish cooperative relations in the areas of curriculum development, 研究, 专业发展, 学生和教师交流, 合办课程, 以及博士后招聘.

Before the MOU was signed, UNH and HU worked on a number of projects together. The relationship between the two universities began in 2015 when the late Dr. 朱莉·威廉姆斯, senior vice provost for engagement 以及教师发展, helped HU transform 教师 development and create its own Office of 教师发展. The two institutions joined forces again in 2017, when Dr. 特蕾莎修女Redd计划, 霍华德大学名誉教授, helped revamp UNH’s Freshman English 401 course—the university’s largest course--to include more diverse assigned readings. 2019年夏天, 我校师生, along with 教师 and students from across New England attended the 纽约大学公共人文学院. 也, a collaboration between the Howard University Graduate School and the 参与和教师发展办公室 supported the participation of five emerging Howard University PhD scholars in the UNH 编写学院. Each of these engagements has supported the growth of UNH and HU 教师 and students by reinforcing academic 研究 links and cultural interchange between the two.

“This partnership began informally through the work of Dr. 朱莉·威廉姆斯. Because of Julie’s sustained efforts to connect people and projects at the two institutions, 有很多合作关系,” 莱斯利是个漂亮的, executive director of 参与和教师发展 at UNH. “鉴于过去的记录, the two institutions formalized their relationship through a Memorandum of Understanding.”

两所大学都是研究机构. 霍华德大学是一所私立大学, historically black university located in an urban setting, 而UNH是一所公立大学, predominantly white university located in a rural-suburban setting, 以专业知识为土地, 空间, 以及海洋资助机构.

教务长韦恩·琼斯也有同感, "Our partnership with Provost Wutoh and the academic affairs team at Howard has been key to building a partnership where we could share expertise equally for our students, 教师, 和工作人员. Regular meetings between Provost Wutoh and I have clearly demonstrated the many similarities in challenges and approaches around 研究, 学生的成功, 以及教师发展."



在一起, UNH and HU are working on a few priority projects led by the Office of 教师 Engagement and other university departments.

  • 教师发展
    编写学院 is a summer 教师 development program focused on scholarly writing that began in 2013. For the first two to three years, a cohort of HU 教师 participated with UNH 教师. Then, HU designed its own version of a writing academy to support 教师 success. 去年夏天和2020年都是如此, five to six Howard University rising doctoral scholars joined UNH 教师 in the UNH 编写学院, made possible through UNH’s partnership with the HU Graduate School.
  • 联合国大学博士后多样性和创新永利app新版本官网地址
    The program is a high-profile initiative designed to increase the diversity of UNH's 教师, which is inextricably linked to academic excellence and 学生的成功. A cohort of diverse postdoctoral scholars pursue independent 研究 for two years, 同时参与专业发展, 学术部门的生活, and mentoring to prepare them for a tenure track 教师 opportunity. HU graduates are invited to apply to these nationally competitive position.
  • 暑期公共人文学院
    为期一周的暑期研习班, 或者新兵训练营, 在公共领域,人文学科仍在继续, 以培养人文学科教师为目的, 研究生, and under研究生 in the intellectual rationale, 历史, 基本的技能, and prospects for doing engaged work in the humanities. These institutes are funded by the Andrew Mellon Foundation and hosted by the UNH Center for the Humanities. 2019年夏天, 我校师生 participated in the inaugural institute with other 教师 and students from the New England area.
  • 星际测绘和加速探测器 (IMAP)
    这是NASA将于2024年发射的任务的一部分, IMAP will help 研究ers around the world better understand the boundary of the heliosphere, 一个包围并保护我们太阳系的气泡. The heliosphere strongly affects the radiation from our galaxy that poses hazards to human and robotic exploration, 很可能影响了地球上生命的发展. IMAP will collect and analyze particles that are used to map the heliosphere’s boundaries. The IMAP student collaboration is a component of the mission and is currently being developed. Howard University undergrads and 教师 will collaborate with the UNH team in the IMAP Student Collaboration, 哪一个将在2020年得到确认.

“The initial selection of IMAP’s student collaboration provides a significant boost for the partnership between UNH and Howard University. The win demonstrates the strengths and synergies between our institutions, and the excitement we share in developing visionary collaborations. Ultimately we aim to provide new opportunities for the next generation of scholars, 科学家和创新者,根据… 内森Schwadron,总统主席和韦特物理学教授.  In addition to building stronger synergies between UNH 教师 including between their respective Law 学校, UNH and HU are also working to increase the number of STEM graduates and are jointly pursuing collaborative funded 研究 in those areas.