


Certified B Corporations are businesses that meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, 公开透明, 以及平衡利益和目的的法律责任. 每学期, 主要研究 students have the opportunity to help firms such as Timberland, Lonza, Orvis, 和杰克披萨都在努力获得企业认证, 换发新证, or simply to assess and improve their effect on the world through the Changemaker Collaborative的B-Impact诊所保罗学院是该学院的创始合伙人之一.

诊所的核心是B级影响评估, 一个由非营利性的B实验室开发的开源工具, widely considered to be the most rigorous and comprehensive assessment of a sustainable company. 

经济学 and sustainability dual major 莎拉·威尔金森,22岁 worked on a B-Impact Clinic student team that partnered with Orvis to help the legendary outdoors brand and retailer. 尽管只有二年级的学生,这位来自宾夕法尼亚州牛津市的学生. Native说她的团队“一马当先”, 在2019年秋季学期期间, made recommendations for improving everything “from water usage and packaging to standardizing facilities inspections and adjusting manager roles to include social and environmental performance.”  

保罗学院96届校友罗布·比恩, 他是奥维斯的项目导师和首席财务官, lauded the “exceptional team of students” for quickly gaining “an intimate knowledge of the business” and “materially lifting the administrative burden” of completing the B Impact Assessment from Orvis’ operating team. 

“Without their assistance, the process would have taken significantly longer,” Bean said. 

Wilkinson said the students not only learned what constituted a truly sustainable business, how to communicate with busy professionals in a fast-paced environment and analyze business processes, 他们还从奥维斯的工作人员那里得到了免费的飞钓课程.  


经常, those seeking broad changes in the way corporations behave toward their employees, 社会, 还有环境, 作为抗议者这样做过吗.