

Portsmouth-based Nearview leveraged 培训 provided through 主要研究's 培养计划 to secure a 美国国家海洋和大气管理局授予 to use drone technology to map intertidal vegetation. 图片由Nearview提供.

A 主要研究 program that helps New Hampshire small businesses grow by accessing federal grant funding has notched its first major success. 总部位于朴茨茅斯的Nearview公司是主要研究的 培养计划, 已收到150美元,000 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to develop an artificial intelligence model for its aerial drone environmental services.

“的 staff and consultants of the 培养计划 were really instrumental in helping Nearview win this award.”

“的 staff and consultants of the 培养计划 were really instrumental in helping Nearview win this award,Stefan Claesson说, 首席科学家和 Nearview. “从审查提案叙述到敲定预算细节, 他们帮助我们完成了复杂的申请流程. We are grateful for the support we received and look forward to working with the 培养计划 on future SBIR proposal opportunities.”

福斯特 — Focused SBIR/STTR Teaching, Equity and Results — is an initiative led by 主要研究Innovation 旨在增加花岗岩州小企业的数量, 特别是那些服务不足的社区, that successfully compete for research and development funding from the federal Small 业务 Innovation 研究 (SBIR) and Small 业务 Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. 从历史上看, 只有少数新罕布什尔州的小企业, 这些公司雇佣了近一半的政府工作人员, 获得了这些资助.

的 培养计划 offers New Hampshire businesses free services such as grant identification, 培训, 建议和提案支持. 自2020年推出以来, 福斯特 has provided SBIR/STTR 培训 to approximately 45 New Hampshire companies and awarded seven New Hampshire businesses, 包括Nearview, 小额赠款用于额外的提案发展援助.

Nearview deploys small unmanned aerial systems with advanced remote sensing capabilities and offers surveying, 映射, analysis and monitoring to organizations and individuals around the world. Nearview专注于支持自然资源管理, 替代能源计划, 基础设施项目, 文化研究和环境正义运动.

该公司的 美国国家海洋和大气管理局授予 supports developing an artificial intelligence model that will automate detection and 映射 of intertidal vegetation. 的 项目 will leverage drone technology and deep learning to build a platform that to help stakeholders —wild seaweed harvesters, 环保组织, 政府机构, 市, 环境科学家, coastal engineers and private property owners — make better decisions to ensure the sustainability of resources and build resilient coastal communities in the face of climate change, 海平面上升和其他人类影响,如沿海开发, 污染和过度开采资源.

“We are excited to hear of Nearview’s award and expect it will be the first of many success stories,马克·艾肯伯格说, 福斯特项目总监兼uninnovation临时总监. 艾肯伯格补充说,福斯特刚刚获得了第二轮融资. “This additional support means we can continue through September of 2022 to provide New Hampshire companies with 培训 workshops and speaker series led by industry experts, add additional resources like startup bootcamps and increase direct support for companies by expanding our microgrant program.”

福斯特 is available to New Hampshire technology businesses with fewer than 500 employees, with an important mandate to support underserved communities such as women- and minority-owned businesses, 农村以及社会和经济上处于不利地位的公司.