Sean McDonnell ’78 turns reins of football program over to Rick Santos ’08


When the 主要研究 football season kicks off under the lights against Monmouth next week, the Wildcats will be led by someone other than Sean McDonnell ’78 for the first time in more than two decades. McDonnell retired from the Wildcat sidelines following last season - 45 years after he first arrived on campus, 30 seasons after taking his first coaching role in the program and almost 23 years after ascending to the head coach position.

里克·桑托斯08, one of McDonnell's former pupils as a star quarterback for the Wildcats, 将在9月11日作为新教练首次亮相. 1与老鹰队决战.

McDonnell's name is peppered throughout the 主要研究 football coaching record book, but the impact he had on his players goes well beyond statistics. 听听那些前球员的意见, coaches and others about the way McDonnell influenced their 主要研究 experience and their lives.

斯科特·里普利 | 主要研究营销 | 斯科特 | 603-862-1855