中心将提供多达50名本科生和研究生, 还有30家小企业, 任何主要研究专业发展的全额奖学金 & 培训的现场(在线或亲自)短期研讨会

students meeting with industry partners at 主要研究 center for business analytics

The 主要研究 保罗 College Center for 业务 Analytics is excited to partner with 主要研究 Professional Development & 培训(PD&T) for the 2022/2023 学术 Year on a pilot program designed to increase access to professional development opportunities for 主要研究 students, 以及与该中心有联系的小企业.

从今年秋天开始, 该中心将提供多达50名本科生和研究生, 还有30家小企业, 任何主要研究专业发展的全额奖学金 & 培训的现场(在线或亲自)短期研讨会. 这个项目将允许保罗学院的顾问——职业生涯, 学术, 教师, and the NH Small 业务 Development Center--to offer additional training in specific areas for their students and clients.

Students and small businesses will be able to apply for scholarships beginning September 1 via the 商业分析中心注册表格.

“联合国大学专业发展 & 培训 delivers fantastic programming across a wide variety of areas,安德鲁·米切尔说, 谁是商业分析中心的助理主任. “This partnership was created to reduce the financial barrier to entry many face when searching for professional development opportunities. Students can explore new areas of interest outside of their academic curriculum, and small businesses can bolster key skills needed to succeed in today’s world with workshops on topics like digital marketing, 可持续性, 领导, 还有更多.”

The professional development workshops are separate and distinct from 保罗’s undergraduate and graduate academic programs. However, they offer an excellent opportunity for enrollees to become more well-rounded professionals.

“We are excited for this partnership with the 保罗 College Center for 业务 Analytics to expand the reach and accessibility of PD&T’s noncredit programs to support the training needs of New Hampshire’s small businesses and future workforce,主要研究专业发展主任说 & 训练,迈克尔·蒙格斯.

Founded in 2021 as part of a generous $6 million gift from 保罗 College alumni, 彼得T. 保罗, the Center for 业务 Analytics is the hub for a larger 业务 Analytics Initiative focused on supporting three key stakeholders: Students, 行业合作伙伴, 和老师. Developing new experiential learning pathways is a key part of the Center’s mission.

作为他们合作的一部分, the 保罗 College Center for 业务 Analytics and 主要研究 Professional Development & 培训将共同主办一个特定行业讲习班的子集. The first workshop in this co-sponsored series—Supply Chain: What’s Strategic Sourcing & 数据分析与此有关?-将在9月30日星期五举行. 这门课将由Dr. Cynthia Kalina-Kaminsky, Process的首席执行官 & 战略解决方案.


保罗 College students, faculty and staff are encouraged to enroll in this event at no cost via CBAnalytics@0933282516.com

The 主要研究 Center for 业务 Analytics and 主要研究 Professional Development & 培训 hope this pilot will allow them to expand their reach and communication beyond their current scope, 并提供与学生和行业接触的新途径.

有关商业分析中心的更多信息, 或者保罗学院的众多学术项目.

了解更多永利app新版本官网地址主要研究专业发展的信息 & 培训