
aerial photo of 主要研究 College Woods in fall with football stadium in background

主要研究 Extension’s forest stewardship group received two grants recently that will help manage and protect New Hampshire’s forests. With funding from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service ($100,000), Extension will demonstrate and evaluate innovative forest management practices designed to optimize carbon benefits that help to mitigate climate change and qualify landowners to participate in carbon markets, while also enhancing the adaptive capacity of forests to withstand the impacts of climate change. 白橡树计划(White Oak Initiative)的一笔拨款(57美元),314) aims to increase production of white oak seedlings at New Hampshire’s state nursery.

新罕布什尔州是美国第二大森林州, and Extension is always working to ensure our forests are healthy, resilient and productive for future generations of Granite Staters,史蒂文·罗伯奇说, 推广林业专家、教授.