University community invited to attend upcoming listening sessions


The University System of New Hampshire (USNH) Board of Trustees has announced the members of the search committee that will work into the spring to help select the next president of the 永利app新版本官网地址. 詹姆斯·W总统. 院长,小. announced that he will retire on June 30, 2024, after serving as president since 2018.    

该委员会, 由USNH董事会主席Alex Walker任命, is composed of representatives of the principal stakeholder groups from each of the 主要研究 campuses. 与猎头公司艾萨克森合作, 米勒, the committee will lead a search process that reflects the best practices of the higher education hiring environment to attract and recruit an outstanding pool of candidates.

委员会成员 联合国大学校长遴选委员会 是:

  • Jamie Burnett, 搜索 Committee Chair, USNH Trustee and Vice Chair of the Board    
  • 凯西格林,搜寻委员会副主席,USNH受托人
  • 卡斯·阿丁格,USNH受托人秘书
  • Kevin Knarr, USNH受托人
  • 凯蒂·伯顿,联合国儿童基金会董事会副主席
  • Gina Damiano, 主要研究专业人员,行政管理 & 技术委员会主席
  • Sam Despins, 主要研究校友会
  • 米歇尔·狄龙,主要研究文学院院长
  • Vidya Sundar, 主要研究教务委员会主席
  • Marc Laferriere, 主要研究本科生代表
  • Amy Loader, 主要研究合作推广
  • 迈克尔·麦肯,主要研究富兰克林·皮尔斯法学院
  • 温迪·门罗,联合国卫生组织工作人员委员会主席
  • 研究生代表奥莉西亚·帕夫连科
  • 纳丁·佩蒂,联合国大学首席多元化官
  • Bill Troy, 主要研究-M高级讲师

“There is no more important task we could be entrusted with than selecting the next leader of 主要研究,沃克说。. “The Board of Trustees would like to express its gratitude to every member of the search committee for their participation in this process.”

本月晚些时候,该委员会将开始一个 系列讲座 to solicit input and feedback from the university community and other key stakeholders. 除了三次公开邀请会议之外, 哪些课程将以混合形式在每个主要研究校区举办, the committee will hold sessions designated for specific audiences, 包括学生和教师. These sessions will help the committee and the search firm better understand the opportunities and challenges ahead of the university, and build the search profile that will be used to recruit candidates for the role.  

“来自主要研究社区的反馈对这一进程至关重要, and we look forward to hearing from the constituency groups what they are looking for in the next 主要研究 president,杰米·伯内特说, 遴选委员会主席. “The search committee is excited to be getting underway with this important work and is committed to our responsibility of identifying a leader with an inspiring vision for 主要研究 and a passion for higher learning, 高级研究, 为花岗岩州服务.”

The candidate profile and other pertinent information on the search will continue to be posted to the 总统交接网页 当它可用时. Additional information on the search process can be found on that page, including the 常见问题 已经张贴出来了. 问题或评论的过程也可以 通过页面共享.

The search committee is responsible for making a recommendation to the Board of Trustees on the new president, and the Board has set a goal of appointing a new president by the end of April 2024.