


The security and privacy of your e-commerce transactions at the 永利app新版本官网地址 are of the utmost importance to us. 大学只使用开展业务所需的信息. No information is sold or otherwise provided to third parties from the University’s or affiliated vendor’s Web sites except as expressly stated, 或者按照法律的要求. 本声明适用于所有链接的大学网站. 请务必查看其他网站的政策.

  1. 介绍
  2. 我们收集的信息
  3. 我们对信息的使用和披露
  4. 信息安全
  5. 连结至其他网站
  6. 进一步的信息

1. 介绍

The ability to make payments electronically to the University on the Web is provided as a convenience for the entire University community. To insure transactions are appropriately assigned and to reduce the risk of fraud the University must collect sufficient information to positively identify users. 本声明描述了我们收集的信息,以及如何利用和保护这些信息. UNH尊重您的个人身份信息的隐私. 我们不会出售或出租您的个人身份信息. 然而, 下文第3节将详细描述, 在有限的情况下,您的某些信息将是必要的, 在严格限制下, 与第三方共享.

通过使用本网站, you signify that you understand how the privacy and security of your personal information is protected and how your personal information will be used. 我们保留权利, 由我方全权决定, 改变, 修改, 添加, 或者随时删除语句的部分内容. Your continued use of the UNH e-commerce sites following the posting of any changes signifies that you are comfortable with and have accepted those changes. 如果您有任何疑问或疑虑,请按照下文第6节的描述与我们联系.

2. 我们收集的信息

Information collected automatically is analyzed to help us understand how you use our web services and how we can improve our site to better meet your needs. 可收集的资料包括:


  • 用于访问我们网站的浏览器和操作系统类型
  • 用户访问我们网站的日期和时间
  • 有关用户访问或访问哪些页面的信息

出于网站安全的目的,并确保所有用户都可以使用此服务, this site may monitor network traffic to identify unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, 否则会造成损害. 如果安全监控显示可能的滥用或犯罪活动的证据, 系统人员可向有关官员提供这种监测的结果. Unauthorized attempts to upload or change information on this service are strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the state law and federal statutes including the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996 and/or under the UNH Student Rights and Rules.

If you send us an electronic mail message with a question or comment that contains personally identifying information, we will only use the personally identifiable information to respond to your request and analyze trends. We may redirect your message to another government agency or person who is in a better position to answer your question. 如果您向我们提供您的电子邮件地址,我们可能会向您发送有关活动、产品和服务的通知. 您可以选择取消订阅已添加到的任何邮件列表.

In order to make payments you will be transferred to the Nelnet website where you may provide checking account and/or credit card information. 香港大学不会收集或储存信用卡及银行资料. 这些信息对于我们处理交易是必要的, 保护你免遭信用卡诈骗, 并在管理您的帐户时与您联系.

When you make a payment to UNH we ask you to provide information related to each transaction such as the amount of the payment. 用户提供的信息是成功完成Web事务所需的数据. This information may be retained by the University to insure the transaction has been properly assigned.

"Cookies" are small files of data that we send to your computer to allow us to recognize you as an authenticated user. 当您登录您的网络帐户时,我们会向您的计算机发送一个“会话cookie”. These cookies allow us to recognize you if you visit multiple pages in our site during the same session without requiring you to log on for each page. 一旦您注销或关闭浏览器,这些会话cookie就会过期,不再有任何作用. 我们的cookie文件经过编码,因此您的信息只能由UNH Web应用程序解释.

3. 我们对信息的使用和披露

We use the information we collect about you in order 1) to provide our services and process your transactions and 2) to provide customer service. 具体地说, 我们使用您的信息来帮助您完成交易, 来反馈给你, 为您提供最新的服务和福利, 并为您定制我们的网站. We give access to personally identifiable information about our users only to those UNH employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you.


UNH不会出售、出租或出租您的个人身份信息给他人. UNH will not share any of your personally identifiable information with third parties except in the limited circumstances described below, 或者得到您的明确许可(以及上述员工的许可), 或遵守适用的法律. These third parties are limited by law or by contract from using the information for secondary purposes beyond the purposes for which the information is shared.

  • We share information with organizations that help us process the transactions you request and protect our customers' transactions from fraud, 比如将你的信用卡号码分享给一个可以识别卡号丢失和被盗的服务.
  • 我们公开我们收集的信息, 如上文B节所述, to organizations that perform services on our behalf or to other financial institutions with which we have joint service agreements i.e. 信用卡清算所. These organizations are subject to confidentiality agreements with us and other legal restrictions that prohibit using the information except to provide the specified related services, 除非您已明确同意或事先许可其他用途.
  • We disclose information that we in good faith believe is appropriate to cooperate in investigations of fraud or other 非法活动, 或对违反我们的可接受使用政策的行为进行调查.
  • 我们应传票披露信息, 保证, 法院命令, 莱维, 附件, 法院指定的接管人的命令或其他类似的法律程序, 包括民事诉讼中私人当事方的传票.
  • We disclose information to your agent or legal representative (such as the holder of a power of attorney that you grant, 或为你指定监护人).
  • 我们与第三方共享信息, 遵守1974年《永利app新版本官网地址》(FERPA).

我们使用IP地址, 浏览器类型, 并访问时间来分析趋势, 管理网站, 提高网站性能, 收集广泛的人口统计信息以供汇总使用, 并对欺诈行为进行调查, 非法活动, 以及其他违反我们的可接受使用政策的行为.

4. 信息安全

UNH is committed to handling your information with high standards of information security and in compliance with the USNH Information Technology Security Policy. 然而,没有任何计算环境是100%安全的, 我们采取适当的预防措施来保护用户的信息. 当用户通过Web提交敏感信息时, 这些信息无论在线上还是离线都受到保护.

您的信用卡信息仅以加密形式存储在已加密的计算机上. We restrict access to your personally identifiable information to only employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to you. 


  • 在与我们的服务器通信时,不要离开您的电脑.
  • 保护好你的用户名/密码和其他识别号码,不要与他人分享.
  • Keep personal information such as your mother's maiden name and identifying numbers (including Social Security, 驾照, 护照, 和信用卡号)放在一个安全的地方. 除非你知道这些信息的用途,否则不要分享这些信息.
  • 在别人使用你的电脑之前, clear your cache or restart your browser (this eliminates copies of Web pages that have been stored on your hard drive). 浏览器中的首选项菜单可以告诉您如何清除缓存.
  • 在结束电子商务会话时,始终使用Exit功能, 特别是如果你打算让浏览器一直开着的话.

5. 链接到其他网站

我们的网站包含与电子商务无关的非联合国大学网站的链接. 请注意,UNH不对此类其他网站的隐私做法负责. The user is encouraged to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every web site that collects personally identifiable information. 本隐私声明仅适用于UNH电子商务访问页面收集的信息. 其他UNH网站, 以及非联合国大学的网站, 可能有自己的隐私声明,应该进行审查

6. 进一步的信息

如果您对我们的网站有任何疑问或担心您的隐私,您可以联系 UNH IT服务台 at (603) 862-4242.