
keynote speakers on stage with large audience


2013年以来表彰个人, 联合国大学年度社会创新者的灵感来自诺贝尔和平奖得主, 也是小额信贷运动之父, 教授 穆罕默德•尤努斯 它是mong the university’s most prestigious honors; the award recognizes leaders with a demonstrated commitment to combining the purpose of a social 和/or environmental mission with the rigor 和 accountability of a financially 可持续发展的, 可伸缩的变更模型.

Awardees are celebrated at the conclusion of the annual NH社会创业创新挑战赛 和 are invited to serve as the Challenge keynote speaker, inspiring hundreds from our community each fall.

年度社会创新者奖由换零钱机协作组织, a partnership of UNH’s 可持续发展研究所, 彼得T. 保罗商业经济学院和卡西公共政策学院.




Co-Founder, Co-CEO, 和 CTO, Takataka塑料 
Winner, 2015 UNH社会创业创新挑战赛



Dr. 16岁的佩吉·巴尔科姆

Co-Founder, Co-CEO, 和 CTO, Takataka塑料 


一个伦敦德里, NH本地人,UNH 2015年NH社会创业创新挑战赛(SVIC)冠军,  Paige 于2016年毕业于UNH,获得机械工程学士学位. 她现在是联合创始人、联合首席执行官和首席技术官  Takataka塑料这是一家乌干达社会企业,在当地回收塑料废物,并为弱势青年创造就业机会. Paige holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California Berkeley where she focused on Energy Science 和 Technology & 开发工程. 她热衷于利用工程和创业创造就业机会,帮助改善人们的生活. Paige is also a lecturer at Gulu University in Ug和a. 

佩奇在 创智赢家 上投了票,并获得了包括美国国家科学基金会在内的几项奖学金和奖项, 加州大学伯克利分校, 富布赖特项目, 美国国际开发署, 国际教育协会, 以及Lemelson-MIT学生奖. 

Paige was presented with the 年度社会创新者 award at the culminating 事件 of the SVIC 和 delivered a keynote on December 6, 2023 at the virtual presentation of the 2023 SVIC student awards. 







亚历克斯Freid '13 是美国的创始人吗 堆填后行动网络 (PLAN)是一个全国性的非营利性网络,与美国900多所大学合作.S. 致力实现零废物. PLAN在第一届NH社会创业创新挑战赛(SVIC) in 2013. 解放军海军提供领导力培训, 和 best-practices guidance to achieve zero waste to students 和 staff, 主持一年一度的 零废物学生会议超越废物学生峰会.

Alex graduated from the 永利app新版本官网地址 in 2013, where he started the UNH Trash 2 Treasure program, PLAN的第一个方案模型. 亚历克斯是尤德尔永利app新版本官网地址, 一位青年领袖, 和 was named the New Hampshire Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2015. In 2020, Alex stepped down from his role as Co-Executive Director of PLAN, 今天, Alex is the Director of PLAN's Atlas Zero Waste program. 2021年,中国海军下水 阿特拉斯零废物认证 - the first zero waste certification program for college campuses.





新的利润, Inc .联席首席执行官.

Tulaine蒙哥马利 is an entrepreneur, educator, writer 和 organizer. 她在美国社会企业的启动和扩张中发挥了领导作用.S., the Caribbean, East Africa, Indonesia 和 South Africa. 

在她担任联合首席执行官期间 新的利润, 杜兰领导的倡议侧重于加强服务不足的青年从教育到就业的途径, 为那些直接受到美国法律制度影响的企业家提供资源和支持, 并且建设更加多元化, 公平的, 和 inclusive organization 和 philanthropic sector. Tulaine has also served as the lead architect of 新的利润’s 包容的影响 战略和Proximate Capital基金, which seeks to bridge the resource gap faced by Black, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, 土著, rural 和 other underinvested social entrepreneurs.

新利润之外, Tulaine is also a trusted advisor to nonprofit organizations 和 socially responsible companies providing strategic 和 financial support to many of our nation’s most powerful 和 promising social innovations including serving as the Board Chair for GirlTrek, 美国最大的非裔美国妇女和女孩公共卫生非营利组织. Tulaine’s other board positions include Beyond 12, YouthBuild, 社会创新学院, 和 Jitegemee (a youth-serving organization in Kenya). 

Tulaine’s writing has been featured in Stanford Social Innovation Review, 根, 值得媒体, 和更多的. 她出演了Portraits of Purpose: A Tribute to 领导,” a visual chronicle 和 historic narrative of community leaders. In 2020, Tulaine与Next Street合作撰写了一份永利app新版本官网地址慈善权益的研究报告, Transforming the Social Sector: 的 Opportunity 和 Need for Action.






1974年毕业于UNH, 菲努凯恩经常被《永利app新版本官网地址》和《永利app新版本官网地址》杂志评为全球最具影响力的女性, along with American Banker’s 25 Most Powerful Women in Banking. She is responsible for leading Bank of America’s environmental, 社会和治理(ESG)努力, which promote socially conscious investments.

As a member of Bank of America’s 14-member executive management team, Finucane is responsible for global strategic positioning, 和 oversees its public policy 和 capital deployment. Bank of America is one of the world’s leading financial institutions, serving approximately 66 million consumer 和 small business clients. Finucane在公司的1美元收入中处于领先地位.60亿美元的社区发展金融机构投资组合并担任美国银行慈善基金会主席.




Chair, Lewis Family Foundation 和 Co-Founder, Alnoba


Chairman, Gr和 Circle Corporation 和 CEO/Co-Founder, Alnoba

作为企业家, the Lewis’ are well known for their visionary leadership, 建设大环线旅游, a small travel company they acquired from the original founders in 1985. Over the last 35 years they have built Gr和 Circle Corporation into a global enterprise—comprised of a family of travel companies—committed to changing people’s lives by offering high-impact experiences to travelers 和 building communities (in the US 和 around the world) through philanthropy, 社会企业家精神, 和志愿服务. 的y embody the model of business that is financially successful, 但这也整合了企业社区参与的创新模式, 让生活变得更好. 作为慈善家, they have made a significant commitment through the Lewis Family Foundation to support the development of courageous leaders to improve society 和 the environment, 为许多值得支持的非营利组织提供资金支持和领导力发展. With the establishment of Alnoba in Kensington, NH, 哈丽特和艾伦现在正在建立一个创新的、令人印象深刻的社会企业, an extraordinary education 和 retreat center, 示范可持续校园和农场, 和 gathering place whose mission is dedicated to developing courageous leadership 和 sustainability models to help change people’s lives, 创建更强大的社区, 拯救我们共同的地球. 




Co-Founder 和 Executive Director, Ashoka U

玛丽娜金’s work in 社会企业家精神 dates back over 15 years. 她是Ashoka U, which works with colleges 和 universities to embed social innovation as an educational focus 和 a strategic approach to aligning the university’s culture, 程序和操作. To date, Ashoka U has worked with over 400 institutions globally. 玛丽娜永利app新版本官网地址制度变革和高等教育创新的文章曾被《永利app新版本官网地址》(Forbes)刊载.com, SSIR.和多样性 & 民主杂志, 和 Ashoka U has been featured in the Chronicle of 慈善事业, 《永利app新版本官网地址》和《纽约时报. Marina was named in the Forbes 30 under 30 for Social Entrepreneurship, 获得斯坦福大学汤姆·福特慈善研究生奖学金, 它是n Honorary Fellow of the University of Northampton. Marina holds a BA in International Relations from Stanford University. 




总统F.B. 鹭基金会

新罕布什尔州本地人 克拉拉·米勒72届是F.B. Heron基金会,帮助人们和社区摆脱贫困. A graduate of UNH’s College of Liberal Arts with a degree in studio art, Miller has dedicated her career to helping address economic inequity in America by supporting in innovative ways the many nonprofits that are dedicated to addressing poverty.  

她被广泛认为是社会变革领域最具创新性和影响力的人物之一, 和 has received many awards including being named investor of the year by Institutional Investor Magazine in the “small foundations” category in 2015. 米勒于2011年加入苍鹭基金会. Just a few years after the financial collapse 和 major recession, 米勒的结论是,美国距离解决贫困问题还有几十年的距离, 但在很多情况下, 经济衰退使美国贫困人口的处境明显恶化. 她领导了一项重大重组,扩大了基金会在经济领域的影响力. 在她的领导下, Heron pioneered the idea of breaking down the traditional divisions in philanthropic foundations between program officers (who oversee grant making) 和 investment officers (who oversee investment portfolios). Heron recently completed an ambitious goal of going “all in to move the entire $270 million endowment into impact investments that fit with the organization’s mission of ‘helping people 和 communities help themselves out of poverty.’”

的 新罕布什尔州社区贷款基金 与UNH的换零钱机协作合作,为2017年度社会创新者项目提供支持. 它成立于1983年,是美国最早的社区发展金融机构之一.S. 该基金将投资转化为贷款和教育,以创造机会,改变全州的生活.




President 和 Chief Executive Officer of Pax World Management LLC

除了他领导的和平世界, 基夫是妇女赋权原则领导小组的联合主席, 和 the former chair of the board of Women Thrive Worldwide, a leading non-profit organization shaping U.S. 帮助发展中国家妇女摆脱贫困的国际援助和贸易政策.  Mr. 2015年,基夫被英国《金融时报》评为全球十大女权主义男性之一, 被《永利app新版本官网地址》杂志评为“商业道德领域100位最具影响力人物”之一, 2014年,他被联合国授予“妇女赋权原则领导奖”的五名获奖者之一.

在奥. Keefe的领导, Pax World Management已成为领先的可持续投资公司之一, 集成环境, Social 和 Corporate Governance (ESG) factors (including a gender lens) into the investment analysis 和 portfolio construction of all its funds based on the strong belief that companies with diverse leadership teams 和 better ESG performance can deliver lower risk 和 greater return. In 2014, Pax World Management launched Pax Ellevate Global Women’s 领导 Fund,  the first broad-market index of the highest-rated companies in the world in advancing women's leadership through gender diversity on their boards 和 senior leadership, 现在拥有超过一亿美元的资产. 该基金的表现优于其基准, 摩根士丹利资本国际世界指数, 截至6月30日的两年期间, 2016.

我们非常感谢 新罕布什尔妇女基金会 感谢他们的合作伙伴以及我们的校园合作伙伴,感谢他们在2016年的推广 Social Venture Innovation Challenge Keynote Dialogue.




Stonyfield Farm的创始人兼董事长

Gary Hirshberg is Chairman of Stonyfield Farm, 世界领先的有机酸奶生产商, Stonyfield Europe董事总经理, 爱尔兰和法国的有机品牌. Gary serves on several corporate 和 nonprofit boards including Applegate, 顶峰有机酿造, 7月下旬, 量子设计, Glenisk, the Danone Communities Fund 和 the Danone Livelihoods Fund. In 2011, 奥巴马总统任命Gary为贸易政策与谈判咨询委员会成员. He is Chairman 和 a founding Partner of “Just Label It!,是一项为转基因食品贴上标签的全国性运动,也是《永利app新版本官网地址》的合著者 Label It Now – What You Need to Know 永利app新版本官网地址 Genetically Engineered Foods. 他是 Stirring It Up: How to Make Money 和 Save the World. Gary has received twelve honorary doctorates 和 numerous awards for corporate 和 environmental leadership including a 2015 Champion for Children Award from Mount Sinai Hospital’s Children’s Environmental 健康 Center 和 a 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award by the US EPA.





UNH is proud to be working with 埃里克·施瓦兹, the 永利app新版本官网地址's 2014 年度社会创新者, 作为创始合伙人 社会创新学院, 埃里克的新社会企业为大学生在社会创业和公共服务方面的高影响力职业做好准备. 了解更多有关 城市项目学期.


埃里克·施瓦兹 is the co-founder of 公民学校, a leading national force in educational innovation, 和 the author of the recently published book, 机会方程式.  Schwarz founded 公民学校 in Boston in 1995 to support a vision of offering students in low-income communities a longer learning day, 包括由当地企业和大学的志愿者“公民教师”领导的动手“学徒”.  现在在七个州, 公民学校 partners with public middle schools to exp和 the learning day for children through academic mentoring 和 skill-building apprenticeships. 超过一半的技能培养学徒集中在STEM科目和活动上. 了解更多永利app新版本官网地址 公民学校 和 US2020, 这是一项全国性的指导计划,其目标是到2020年将100万名STEM导师与学生配对.





Imagine if you owned your house, but not the l和 beneath it. Imagine if the l和owner decided to sell that l和, 强迫你移动, 或者不断提高你的月供. 这是新罕布什尔州和全国各地成千上万的房屋业主所面临的情况. 进入ROC USA, the nonprofit 保罗·布拉德利 founded in 2008 to take a successful program of the 新罕布什尔州社区贷款基金 to national scale. ROC USA helps homeowners gain economic security through resident ownership of their "mobile home park" or manufactured home community. 了解更多永利app新版本官网地址ROC USA.

的 换零钱机协作 is honored to recognize 保罗·布拉德利 for his role in helping grow a social business that has helped thous和s of people lead more secure lives by giving them a secure place to live. Bradley’s work exemplifies the center’s commitment to financially 可持续发展的 和 scalable solutions to pressing community challenges.

学习 More about Bradley's Work with the UNH:

  • A 2006 report by the Carsey Institute found that residents who own their manufactured housing communities have significant financial 和 social advantages over their counterparts in communities owned by private owners
  • 该中心的“规模项目”通过福特基金会的资助帮助ROC USA建立了其国家运营平台.
  • ROC USA hosted Social Innovation Interns (now called the 可持续性交通 (2012年和2013年).
  • Bradley is a regular speaker at UNH classes 和 净影响 事件.




Nobel Laureate 和 pioneer of the microfinance industry

的 NH社会创业创新挑战赛 was founded by the 永利app新版本官网地址 in 2013 in partnership with Nobel Peace Prize winner, 也是小额信贷运动之父, 教授 穆罕默德•尤努斯他也是 就职主旨演讲人,吸引了超过700人参加,也是联合国大学年度社会创新者奖的灵感来源. It has become an annual signature event which powerfully demonstrates the keen interest of students 和 community entrepreneurs 和 activists in helping address some of society’s most pressing social 和 environmental challenges, 以及他们在设计小说方面的创造力, 可持续发展的, 面向企业的解决方案.
