金融公司雇佣更多主要研究学生实习, 比花岗岩州其他任何公司都要多


联合国大学校长詹姆斯. 院长,小. (左)身旁是艾米·布兰森, 富达集团区域领导办公室主任, 肖恩·豪厄尔, 他是富达梅里马克区域中心的联合负责人, 米歇尔·狄龙, 主要研究文学院院长, 最近,主要研究领导访问了富达的梅里马克校区.

In 2018, 新任命的永利app新版本官网地址校长, President Jim Dean’s first official business visit was to Fidelity Investment’s Merrimack, 新罕布什尔校区. 上周, 迪安带着一群联合国大学的同事回来了, eager to see how the university's partnership with the privately held financial services firm has evolved over the past six years and how it can better serve both institutions in the years to come.

“这对我们来说是一种非常重要的关系,”迪恩说. “从雇佣我们的毕业生到支持我们的商业计划."

此次访问是永利app新版本官网地址“拥抱新罕布什尔”系列活动的最新活动, 展示了大学对国家经济的承诺, 劳动力和生活质量. 玛丽安·麦考德加入了迪恩的行列, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济接触和外联, 文理学院院长米歇尔·狄龙, 还有格雷琴·希顿, 助理副教务长, 事业和专业成功, 等.

The visit began in Fidelity’s Fixed Income unit with a brief tour led by Tressa Webb ’98, 固定收益部门的投资服务主管. Webb walked the group through the trading floor, where over 200 associates manage more than $1.9万亿的客户资产.

晚些时候, Dean and the 主要研究 representatives met with Fidelity’s regional leadership team to learn more about the company’s workforce. Fidelity hires more 主要研究 students for internships and first jobs than any other company in New Hampshire; last year 49 主要研究 graduates landed their first job at Fidelity, 其中18人之前曾在该公司实习.

“我们的首要战略重点是学生的成功,”迪恩对大家说. “首先要确保我们的学生得到良好的教育, and their experience at 主要研究 supports the  positions they take when they leave.”

尽管他们被称为金融服务公司, 富达从所有主要研究学校聘请学生担任各种角色, 包括作为客户关系倡导者, 技术人员, 业务分析师和基金运营角色. The 主要研究 delegation heard presentations from a number of alumni on their careers at Fidelity and how their college educations had helped them prepare.

Brooke Spicer ’15 originally applied to Fidelity because she’d heard good things about the company culture from friends who worked there. 文理学院的毕业生, she had a background in hospitality and now works as a regional center talent champion. 她说:“我们想要能够建立人际关系的人。.

Seeing how students build upon their 主要研究 experiences was both rewarding and informative, Dillon says.

“It’s always enriching for me to meet with alumni in their work settings and to hear about their trajectory,她说。. “It gives me grounded information that I can convey when I’m talking with current and prospective students – and parents – about the career paths available to Liberal 艺术 majors.”

Karina Popkova, 17岁,毕业于彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院, started out thinking she wanted to go into finance. Her undergraduate experience with business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi showed her how to communicate with stakeholders, and a Fidelity professional development program boosted her technical expertise. Popkova现在是富达(Fidelity)的数据管理主管.


The pipeline of 主要研究 students going to work for local companies is part of another 主要研究 strategic priority: Embrace New Hampshire. 该州最大的人才吸引者和劳动力提供者, 迪恩指出,主要研究对该州劳动力产生了不可思议的影响.

“We are the largest importer of talent into the state by a large margin,” he says. “You, as a primary hirer, have access to a large pool of talent because of that.”

Fidelity is a flagship company in 主要研究’s 业务 and Economic Engagement (BEE) Initiative. 这一全校范围内的努力正在深入发展, broader relationships with corporate partners by maximizing opportunities in talent attraction and development, 研究, 获得技术能力等等.

“Relationships like this are an example of how 主要研究 is a key driver of the New Hampshire economy,麦考德说. “In addition to bolstering critical experiential learning for our students, they give us the opportunity to work together create a shared vision for addressing solutions to challenges facing our state.”