
没有学生应该担心无家可归, 期中考试时被驱逐或沙发冲浪, 保持你的GPA, 上班的压力已经够大了. 以下是一些校内和校外的资源,可能会对你有所帮助. 



The Inn Between is available to UNH students to pay for housing during Thanksgiving, 春假和一月学期. UNH also provides emergency support for undergraduate and graduate students experiencing emergency housing loss. 申请住宿互助基金或接受紧急住房损失援助, 联系基本需求协调员和案例经理 帕蒂.mathison@0933282516.com
考虑给“客栈间基金”捐款. 教师 and staff can also arrange a gift through a payroll deduction by contacting Business Services at (603) 862-2230.



The 社区支援及房屋资源指引 is a publication of Granite State Independent Living in partnership with the UNH Institute for 健康 Policy and Practice under contract with the NH Department of 健康 and Human Services compiled in April 2017. 本指南包括住房选择的信息, 退伍军人, 临时财政援助, 送餐上门, 交通等. 



有200多个 全美有211家机构, 每个人都有一个富有同情心的团队, highly trained community specialists who are available to help you access the best local resources and services to address any need.

美国的211网络回应了超过 21 每年有数百万人请求帮助. 大多数电话, 网络聊天, and text messages are from people looking for help meeting basic needs like housing, 食物, 运输, 还有医疗保健. 

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designated 211 as the 3-digit number for information and referrals to social services and other assistance in 2000. The 211 service is provided by more than 200 local organizations that are committed to serving their communities. 许多不同类型的组织都在运营211服务, 包括联合慈善协会, 善意, 社区行动伙伴关系, 以及地方危机中心.

数以千计的当地专家全天候为您提供帮助. 打给211的电话是保密的,可能是匿名的.




Every young person deserves an opportunity to live a life that is safe and that they love. Waypoint提供年轻人, 12至24岁, 谁正在经历无家可归或处于高风险状况, 有足够的资源度过一夜,成就一生.

如果你是一个年轻人, 18-21, 谁无家可归, 是否有无家可归的危险, 过渡生活计划可以提供帮助.

张力腿是安全的, time-limited housing program that provides supportive services to help young people toward self-sufficient, 独立生活.

作为一名TLP居民, 你将得到就业方面的帮助, 高中或同等学历. 你拿出一部分收入来付房租, 以及储蓄的一定比例, 每周与TLP护理协调员会面,努力实现你的目标.

除了安全的住房, 你将有机会获得教育, 职业和社区资源以及独立生活技能的培养, 并将受益于我们员工的指导和支持, 当你走向独立的时候.





住房和城市发展部(HUD) provides housing support and uplifts communities through rental assistance, 为无家可归者提供资源, 驱逐指导和更多. 





Leaving an abusive relationship is one of the most difficult decisions our clients face. For many, it means having to decide to stay in an unsafe situation, or leave with nowhere to go. Nobody should have to choose between remaining in an unsafe home and having no home at all. 

HAVEN的住房优先计划 addresses two critical needs of survivors: Access to safe, affordable housing 和经济资源维护安全.

HAVEN的住房援助计划 从家庭暴力开始操作 先框架 强调 安全和自决. 我们的节目提供住房广告

cacy来 帮助幸存者及其家属建立稳定的住房 并克服获得的障碍 长期住房

The domestic violence 先框架 has three central components:

  1. 幸存者驱动,创伤知情和移动宣传支持
  2. 社区参与
  3. 灵活的财政援助



如果你是新罕布什尔州的租客,无法支付租金, 请尽快与您的房东或物业经理联系. There are some emergency housing assistance and relief programs available to you.

The NH 住房 Finance Authority administers both the HUD Emergency 住房 Voucher (EHV) program and the State Emergency 住房 and Utility 项目. 您可以致电603-472-8623或通过以下网址与他们联系: Emergency Rental Assistance For Rent and Utilities Is Available - 新罕布什尔州住房 (nhhfa.org)

获取更多信息和紧急住房机会, NH-211是NH居民的宝贵资源. You may call 211 from any area code 603 phone number for 24-hour assistance.

Tenant/Landlord Law, including lease agreements and evictions, differs by state. In New Hampshire, it is enforced by the NH Department of Justice, Consumer Protection Bureau. For more information, or to file a housing complaint, please contact them at (603) 472-8623. If you are low income, you may be eligible for free or low cost legal counsel. Please contact 603 Legal Aid to determine your eligibility and apply for services. 申请是在线的,网址是: http://www.603legalaid.org/

While HUD cannot intervene in the eviction process, we do enforce the National Fair 住房 Act. If you believe you are being discriminated against, please contact the Boston Regional Fair 住房 & Equal Opportunity (FHEO) Office with questions or to file a discrimination complaint. 联系方式:

U.S. 住房和城市发展部
托马斯P. 小奥尼尔. 联邦大楼

(617) 994-8300
(800) 827-5005

民权投诉: ComplaintsOffice01@hud.政府

请联系HUD曼彻斯特外地办事处,电话:(603)666-7510或 NH_Webmanager@hud.政府 有任何永利app新版本官网地址新罕布什尔州HUD项目的问题.


新罕布什尔州法院系统的大门向所有人敞开, 你是请律师还是自己辩护. There are several agencies that provide low-cost legal aid or free (pro bono) legal aid. You may also be able to hire a lawyer to help you with part of your legal case which could save time and money. 





Heating and electricity costs have risen dramatically in recent years, and continue to do so.  社区 Action Partnership of Strafford County (CAPSC) can help you and your loved ones stay warm and live in security.  超过2美元.2 million dollars was spent on fuel assistance to households in Strafford County during 2022.  申请燃料和/或电力援助计划是第一步, 他们是来帮忙的.



Consider shopping for household and furniture at one of these local organizations with free or low-cost options available! 

网站: www.habitat.org/restores

Habitat for Humanity ReStores are nonprofit home improvement stores and donation centers that sell new and gently used furniture, 电器, 家配件, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price.

纽灵顿:新罕布什尔州东南部人类栖息地地址:福克斯路29号, 纽因顿, NH 03805电话:(603)750-3200 www.senhhabitat.org/restore 电子邮件: info@senh栖息地.org


网站: www.goodwillnne.org

“我们的商店提供全系列的服装, 配件, 鞋子, 儿童商品, 以及家居装饰. You never know what you'll find at one of our stores, as the merchandise changes daily.”

Portsmouth 善意 Store Address: 720 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801 Phone: (603) 430-2040

Somersworth 善意 Store Address: 450 High Street, Somersworth, NH 03878 Phone 603-343-5560


地址:600 A拉斐特路,朴茨茅斯,NH 03801电话:(603)430-8561
网站: www.theobnh.org 和电子邮件: donate@theobnh.org

基本需求, 比如食物, 服装, 家具及家居用品, 在中心免费提供, 哪里有爱心志愿者可以帮助他们解决他们的需要.


Address: 28 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885 Phone: (603) 686 5313 网站: www.wonderlandthrift.org 和电子邮件: info@wonderlandthrift.org

仙境节俭会把利润捐赠给当地的非营利机构, 还有当地人, 当地家庭, 通过财政援助, 账单支付, fuel/heat/grocery cards as well as having an innovative free 服装 program.


Look on your local Facebook buy nothing group which prioritizes finding and/or giving away goods prior to purchasing something new. 目标是利用社区支持,减少对支出的依赖. These often will require signing up for a group within your local area and you will need to be cautious of scams and prioritize your safety.