Additional Resources

拥有合适的工具和用品对支持你的教育大有帮助. Below are some resources that may be helpful. 我们提供资源,如租借笔记本电脑和额外的技术和教育支持,  transportation, health and medical as well as clothing. 



Loaner Laptop Program 

Laptop Loner


To request a Loaner Laptop please complete the Loaner Laptop Request Form 

如果您有一台不再使用的外借笔记本电脑,请联系 to return it. 

UNH的租借笔记本电脑计划帮助没有经济能力的本科生和研究生获得或替换学习和学习所需的技术资源. Students who are approved receive a laptop to be used for that semester. 

We ask that you handle this laptop with the same care as your own, and in compliance with the USNH Acceptable Use Policy. Please return the laptop to the campus in which you picked it up. Damaged or lost laptops are subject to repair and replacement costs. By borrowing a laptop, you agree and understand the following: 

  • 这个项目是为那些没有笔记本电脑的学生准备的,他们正在管理经济状况,使他们无法获得一台新的. 

  • 设备必须与您拿起时的状态相同,否则您将负责所有维修或丢失. This excludes normal wear and tear. 

  • 如果在学期末未能归还设备,将被罚款500美元. This can be reversed if equipment is returned.  

  • 如果设备被盗,你必须立即向校园警察报告. 

  • 外借设备必须归还至图书馆道18号341室钻石图书馆服务台, 在每学期期末考试的最后一天,或者如果不再需要,可以更早.  请确保包括充电器和套筒,以及提供. 

 Minimum Qualifications: 

  • Must be currently enrolled as a degree seeking student
  • 必须被财政援助核实为有资格获得紧急资金(已完成FAFSA或在其帐户上没有信用)
  • In order to keep the laptop for a future semester, you will need to reapply to the program and be enrolled in that semester.

UNH Law students: There is a separate laptop program offered through the Law School, please email the Office of the Assistant Dean for Students at

Yubikey RequestsYubikeys are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If your request is approved, Enterprise Technology & 服务人员将与您联系,并指示您在钻石图书馆的服务台安排预约领取您的yubikey. We ask that you handle this Yubikey with the same care as your own, and in compliance with the USNH Acceptable Use Policy.

I-Clicker Requests  I-Clickers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If your request is approved, Enterprise Technology & 服务人员将与您联系,并指导您安排预约,在钻石图书馆的服务台领取您的I-Clicker和许可证. We ask that you handle this I-Clicker with the same care as your own, and in compliance with the USNH Acceptable Use Policy.

Technology Help Desk Client Portal The Technology Help Desk Client Portal empowers faculty, staff, 学生有能力以省时的方式寻找答案并找到常见技术问题的解决方案. This portal also allows users to electronically submit IT requests, track progress, provide feedback, and withdraw requests. 您也可以访问戴蒙德图书馆主楼34室的技术帮助台

Library Workstations and Public Computers- accessing public computers and workstations 


AFFORDABILITY CONNECTIVITY PROGRAM    是否可以通过提供每月折扣来降低电话或互联网服务的成本

COMPUTER LAB AND PRINTING LOCATIONS  On campus printing and computer labs (UNH Durham)



Additional Resources

Transportation Resources

CATTRAX BIKE SHARE PROGRAM UNH Cat Trax是一个合作自行车共享项目,其使命是使校园和达勒姆的可持续交通更加便利

Medical and Dental Resources 

Greater Seacoast Community Health 

为从婴儿到老年人的所有人提供服务的社区卫生中心网络, single people and families, insured or uninsured, and all income levels. For uninsured individuals they offer a sliding scale based on income. Offers: primary health care, pediatric care, dental care, behavioral health, pharmacy and lab services at their two locations: 

Goodwin Community Health 311 Route 108, Somersworth, NH (603) 749-2346

朴茨茅斯第一家庭,8绿叶森林大道,100套房,朴茨茅斯,新罕布什尔州,03801, 603) 422-8208



Tufts University School of Dental Medicine: Comprehensive Care Clinic

低成本选择,费用比地区私人诊所低50%,包括根管治疗, fillings and referrals to their specialty clinics. Most insurance accepted but is not required. 接受培训的牙医将与经验丰富的牙医一起为您提供护理. (注意:预约可以持续长达3小时,以适应教学过程)塔夫茨大学还提供急诊和专科诊所.

塔夫茨大学牙科医学院:1 Kneeland街,波士顿,马萨诸塞州02111

617-636-6998 to make an appointment or schedule online

DENTAL HYGIENE CLINIC: NHTI Concord's Community College low cost teaching clinic 


Clothing Resources

List of local Thrift stores 

It can get very cold here in New Hampshire. 当地的许多商店都提供免费或大幅折扣的服装,包括冬季 外套, gloves and hats or business attire. 看看当地的旧货店,比如达勒姆市中心的Echo thrift Shop 或多佛的Goodwill,那里提供价格实惠的衣服, furniture and household goods. ​ 

下面你可以找到几家 服装 商店,它们提供很大的折扣或免费的 服装 ,可以帮助你找到更多温暖的 服装 选择.  

  • Echo Thrift Store, 达勒姆大街17号(达勒姆社区教堂后面)-为经济困难的学生免费提供 服装, or you can fill a bag for $5. Open M-F 10am-4pm. They have lots of coats, sweaters, 帽子和手套以及家庭用品(联合国卫生研究所的基本需要工作人员可以提供礼券)

  • Second Generation Thrift Shop: 9 Tide Mill Rd. 格陵兰岛- 100%的收益支持新一代的使命,为当地的母亲和儿童打破无家可归的循环. 

  • Goodwill, 450 High St. Somersworth NH 03878, Monday-Saturday 9am-8pm, Sun 9am-6pm. Mondays they offer Stuff a Bag for $15. They offer clothing, household supplies and furniture for a heavy discount.  

  • Share Fund Thrift Store, 150 Wakefield St. 新罕布什尔州罗切斯特,周一和周三上午9点至下午3点,第二个 和第四个 周六上午9点至下午12点. (UNH的基本需要工作人员可以提供推荐信,以便能够获得免费购物) SHARE Fund Thrift提供服装, shoes, & accessories for adults & children, as well as household goods, toys, books, games, movies, and more! 

  • Habitat for Humanity: ReStore Website: 
    Habitat for Humanity restoration是一家非营利性的家装商店和捐赠中心,出售新的和稍微使用过的家具, appliances, home accessories, building materials and more to the public at a fraction of the retail price. 

    Newington: Southeast NH Habitat for Humanity Address: 29 Fox Run Road, Newington, NH 03805 Phone: (603) 750-3200 Website: Email: 

  • Goodwill Retail Stores (Northern New England) Website: 
    “Our stores offer a full range of apparel, accessories, footwear, children's merchandise, and home decor. 你永远不知道你会在我们的商店里找到什么,因为商品每天都在变化.” 
    朴茨茅斯Goodwill Store地址:720 Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801电话:(603)430-2040 
    Somersworth Goodwill Store地址:450 High Street, Somersworth, NH 03878电话603-343-5560 

  • Operation Blessing 
    Address: 600 A Lafayette Road, Portsmouth, NH 03801 Phone: (603) 430-8561 
    Website: and Email: 

    Primary needs, such as food, clothing, furniture and household goods, are available free of charge at the Center, where caring volunteers are available to assist them with their needs. 

  • Wonderland Thrift Shop 
    地址:28 Portsmouth Avenue, Stratham, NH 03885电话:(603)686 5313网站: and Email: 

    Wonderland Thrift donates profits to local non profit agencies, and local people, local families, via financial assistance, bill payments, 燃料/暖气/杂货卡以及创新的免费服装计划. 

  • Join a Buy Nothing Facebook group: 这是一个你可以在大多数城镇/地区找到的团体,他们的目标是免费交换家庭必需品,以减少浪费和省钱. This can be for furniture, clothing, food items etc. This relies on trust and you will likely need to arrange to pick up items. Each group may have its own set of rules.  (Durham's group is Oyster River- Pass it On- No Sales on Facebook)