CWC Classroom Visits

The Connors Writing Center visits classes to provide an overview of the CWC and 写作 conferences in order to encourage students to visit the Center. We also can help introduce a class to peer response.  An overview of our two presentations are below.  


Connors Writing Center Introduction

This 10-minute presentation provides students with an overview of the 写作 center—who we are, 我们所做的, where we are located, when we are open, 等等....... We also answer any questions pertaining to the 写作 center.

Peer Response Presentation

Many instructors use peer response in the classroom to get students talking and actively taking part in each other’s 写作 and learning. It is a great resource and is the model upon which the Writing Center is built. However, peer conferencing is only as productive as the students involved can make it. Our presentation is designed to maximize the benefit of peer response in the classroom. Through a variety of techniques (role playing, modeling, discussion, etc.) students are shown effective and ineffective, helpful and unhelpful, and productive and unproductive methods of peer response. This 30-40 minute presentation also includes a brief introduction to the Writing Center.

Introduction Videos

We also provide several videos that introduce the 写作 center as a resource - who we are, 我们所做的, and what our 写作 assistants have to say about 写作 and their work. 除了, we have videos that introduce peer response, and provide a model for effective peer response vs. ineffective peer response. We believe that having a member of the 写作 center visit your classroom can be very beneficial in forming a positive relationship with students, but understand that scheduling conflicts might prevent that. These videos are a great alternative, and can introduce your students to both the 写作 center and peer response - they are available on our 资源 page under the dropdown labeled "Connors Writing Center Videos".



To schedule a presentation, we will need to know the date and time for the requested presentation, course name and number, building and room number, and the number of students in the course. We offer both in-person visits and presentations via Zoom. Please indicate in your request whether you have Zoom capabilities, need a Zoom link, or have other requests.