UNH Law School Front Entrance, ivy crawling up building, summer time

SHARPP’s mission is to provide 免费的 & confidential response services and comprehensive 预防 initiatives for students, 工作人员, and 教师 at the 永利app新版本官网地址. 和我们的社区一起, 我们共同创造教育, 预防, 从交叉的、以赋权为基础的视角认识到压迫是暴力的根源,从而获得宣传机会. By centering those most impacted by interpersonal violence, we strive to foster individual healing and collective liberation.

SHARPP has existed on UNH Durham’s campus for over 35 years, and with the hiring of SHARPP’s 扩展服务协调员, 卡洛琳年轻, in November 2022, SHARPP is now an available resource for the UNH Law community. Read below to learn more about SHARPP’s services, 预防编程, and outreach initiatives specific to the UNH Law community.

我们的服务对象包括直接经历过人际暴力的个人和家庭, 朋友, and loved ones who are supporting them. SHARPP致力于为所有身份的个人提供文化响应服务,包括性别认同/表达, 性取向, 比赛, 种族, 宗教, 能力状态, 和年龄. 我们知道人际暴力会对不同身份的人产生不同的影响,并努力从交集中发挥作用, power-conscious, 以及以赋权为基础的框架,以确保我们的服务从整体上支持个人,无论他们身在何处. Find more general information about our services, who SHARPP serves, and how SHARPP can help 在这里; and click through the tabs below to learn more about SHARPP’s services specifically for the UNH Law community.

倡导者是SHARPP的保密工作人员和志愿者,他们与幸存者会面,提供广泛的服务. 卡洛琳年轻扩展服务协调员, is the person who members of the UNH Law community would most likely be meeting with, unless they call SHARPP's helpline during evenings or weekends. 所有倡导者都完成了至少30小时的永利app新版本官网地址人际暴力和幸存者可能遇到的系统的培训. 倡导者的目标是通过提供信息、工具、资源和机会来帮助幸存者. They are trained to 工作 with survivors respectfully, 认识到系统可能会令人困惑和不堪重负,并且有些系统可能比其他系统更容易受到某些系统的攻击.

性侵犯, 虐待的关系, 跟踪, and sexual harassment can happen to anyone regardless of identity. 我们在UNH Law知道这一点, 我们的社区有独特的需求,他们可能会处理一些其他人没有经历过的问题. SHARPP认识到这些差异,并致力于通过提供可访问的UNH法律社区成员服务, 免费的, 社会justice-informed, and confidential services to all survivors and their allies.

倡导者可以帮助确定选择,并帮助个人以非评判的方式探索最能满足他们特定需求的选择. Survivors are encouraged to make decisions about what is best for them, and are not required to take any options provided by the advocate.

危机是一个人可能会因为他们所处的环境或具有挑战性的情感经历而感到不知所措的时刻. This can be common for individuals who have experienced interpersonal violence. 危机可能随时发生, 小时, 暴力事件发生后几天, and can happen repeatedly throughout someone's life due to various factors, such as memories of their experience being reactivated.

SHARPP的倡导者可以在危机时刻支持幸存者,旨在帮助他们重新获得控制感和平衡感. In these moments an advocate can provide space to sort through feelings, 的想法, 和情感, as well as helping to identify or strengthen coping skills and discuss options.

通过24小时支持热线, 办公室和虚拟访问, 以及短信/在线聊天服务, SHARPP努力在幸存者需要的时候提供支持(联系方式见下文).

经历人际暴力会影响一个人的情感和身体安全感. SHARPP advocates can help survivors identify what would help them feel safer, and to connect to resources to help make these happen. 倡导将安全规划作为一种个性化的对话来解决每个人独特的安全需求. 安全规划是一个探索可能的选择和结果,并支持幸存者制定对他们来说最安全的计划的过程. 安全 planning may look like exploring current housing arrangements, 上课或工作时间表, 来自家庭的支持, 朋友或伙伴, and resources available in the community. 夏普将安全规划视为我们提供的所有服务的一个组成部分,而不是一项单独的服务, which means that as advocates provide advocacy and support in other areas, 他们经常会谈论这些选择如何影响个体幸存者的安全感.

Additional 安全计划 资源:

If you would like to explore these options, discuss your self-assessment results, or review any safety planning questions with a SHARPP advocate, book a confidential appointment with 卡洛琳年轻扩展服务协调员.

给UNH法学院的学生, 教师, and 工作人员 who have experienced violence perpetrated by another UNH community member, SHARPP advocates can help make sense of and pursue options through the University. This may include connecting them with the Civil Rights and Equity Office (CREO) 申请支持措施,如学术住宿或追求正式的大学程序. SHARPP倡导者可以提供有关这些过程可能是什么样子的信息,并可以陪同幸存者参加会议, 面试, 和听证会.

另外, 从性暴力或关系暴力等创伤性事件中幸存下来会影响我们生活的许多方面, 包括学业成功.

如果幸存者发现他们在跟上课程方面有困难,SHARPP可能会提供帮助, 为考试学习, or completing assignments on time. SHARPP can coordinate with CREO to request a Dean’s Letter. 这是一封传达学生正在经历挑战环境的通用信件, without identifying what happened. 通过信件, professors will be asked to give consideration to students in their course工作, 但重要的是要知道,这并不能成为缺勤或迟交作业的借口. 这封信的目的是在对学生学业成绩影响最小的情况下,帮助幸存者恢复健康. 在信件寄出之后, 鼓励学生直接与他们的教授合作,以解决他们的个人需求.

While every survivor’s story is different, 在UNH法律和当地社区中有许多资源可以帮助个人愈合过程. SHARPP对人际暴力的关注为社区提供了倡导者,他们意识到幸存者可以获得的许多资源可能有人想要利用. Advocates can help connect someone to the resources they need, 但可能还没有意识到, 包括 Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire, or CCCNH, (梅里马克县)或幸存者居住的当地其他危机中心和资源, 工作, 等.

To find other resources in your state or area:


外展是我们所做的工作,以确保所有UNH法律社区成员都知道SHARPP是谁以及我们的服务是什么. Want to get to know SHARPP's 扩展服务协调员, 卡洛琳年轻? 我想邀请卡洛琳参加你下次的学生组织会议或课堂,做一个20-30分钟的永利app新版本官网地址SHARPP法律服务的报告? 邮件卡洛琳 与卡洛琳一起喝杯咖啡/茶,或预约“SHARPP at Law”讲座(面对面或虚拟)! 


In addition to SHARPP's direct services and outreach, SHARPP is now offering 预防编程 for UNH Law. 了解更多SHARPP永利app新版本官网地址建立一个没有暴力的联合国大学的愿景,以及预防规划的重要性 在这里. 卡洛琳年轻扩展服务协调员, has designed 2 different programs for UNH Law:   

Smooth Sailing: Navigating Relationships through Societal Norms

50-60 minutes | In person or virtual
互动演示 & activity on how cultural norms influence relationship dynamics


一个演示 & role-playing game exploring bystander intervention

To request one of these programs for your student organization, classroom, or department 邮件卡洛琳.


Picture of Domestic Violence Awareness Month Table with B比赛let Making at Law School

Relationship Abuse Awareness Month/Domestic Violence Awareness Month (10月)
National Stalking Awareness Month (1月)
性侵犯意识月 (4月)

学习 more about the history of these awareness initiatives!


在这个时间点, 如果你对我们所做的工作感兴趣的话,有几种方法可以参与联合国大学法学院的夏普项目.


  • Help SHARPP with tabling (set up, activity, break down)
  • Help SHARPP plan an event or program (ideas, collaboration, 等.)
  • Help SHARPP during events (set up, break down, 等.)

联系卡罗琳·杨扩展服务协调员, if interested in learning more.






Drop in 小时 @ Law: Thursdays 9AM-4PM in RM 313
Schedule a confidential virtual meeting
电子邮件: 卡洛琳