Interpersonal Violence

SHARPP是一个校园资源,其使命是加强联合国大学社区内人际暴力事件的预防和应对. 无论性别认同如何,任何人都可能遭受人际暴力, 性取向, 年龄, 能力状态, 比赛, or other identities. 这个页面提供了永利app新版本官网地址什么是人际暴力以及它如何在UNH出现的更多信息.

What is interpersonal violence? (IPV)

"Interpersonal violence" (or IPV) may be a term that is new to some. 在夏普,我们把它作为一个总称,指的是性侵犯的经历, 跟踪, 性骚扰, and relationship abuse. You may be familiar with other langu年龄, such as domestic violence, 不正当的性行为, 强奸, intimate 合作伙伴 violence, 等. 这些都是属于IPV的暴力形式的同义词或特定版本. 我们用“人际暴力”这个词来指代各种各样的经历和动态.

而这些形式的人际暴力在这一页分别描述, they are not always distinct or isolated from each other. Someone may experience various or co-occurring forms of violence. SHARPP is a resource for students, 教师, 以及永利app新版本官网地址的工作人员,他们受到各种形式的人际暴力的影响. Confidential advocates can be reached 24/7 at (603) 862-7233.


性侵犯是一个用来描述未经明确同意的性接触的术语. 阅读更多永利app新版本官网地址 同意 .

  • Sexual touching of someone’s body without their expressed permission
  • Forcing someone to perform 性 acts on another person
  • 未经某人同意,被另一个人或物体插入某人的身体.

At UNH, 13% of students reported experiencing some form of 性 violence[1] 其中一半以上的经历发生在学生入学的第一年. 这一比例与全国有关校园性暴力的数据一致[2]. 联合国和各国的数据也反映出,遭受暴力的经历在跨性别者中更为常见 & 性别膨胀的学生,酷儿学生,残疾学生和有色人种学生. 联合国大学和全国范围内的研究继续表明,性暴力的肇事者通常是受害者的朋友, 熟人, 合作伙伴, 或者家庭成员.

SHARPP认识到我们社区的一些成员在来UNH之前经历过性侵犯,可能需要这些经历的支持. SHARPP倡导者接受过培训,为幸存者提供支持和空间,无论他们的经历是在UNH期间发生的,还是在他们成为我们社区的一员之前发生的.

性侵犯在新罕布什尔州法律和永利app新版本官网地址的学生行为规则中都有规定. 如果你有兴趣和某人私下谈谈你的经历, please reach out to SHARPP.
学习 more about reporting to UNH or law enforcement - 报告选项

[1] UNH 2019 Climate Survey   [2] AAU 2019 Climate Survey

跟踪 一种针对某人的行为模式(或一系列行为)是否会使他们感到恐惧或处于危险之中. This can include repeated unwanted contact, monitoring someone via social media, sending unwanted gifts, hacking into social media accounts or email, and driving by or hanging out at someone’s house/residence hall, 工作场所, 或教室. 跟踪 is often unpredictable and dangerous. 大多数时候, people experiencing 跟踪 know the person who is 跟踪 them, and it is typically a current or former 合作伙伴, 同学, 朋友, 或熟人.

This form of interpersonal violence is more common than many people realize, 尤其是在18-24岁的人群中,他们比其他年龄段的人更容易被跟踪. 尽管如此, 43%符合法律标准的大学跟踪受害者不会以这种方式识别或标记他们的经历. This is due to many factors, including a lack of specific & fact-based education, widespread mis信息 & 永利app新版本官网地址跟踪的神话,以及使跟踪行为正常化、最小化或浪漫化的社会规范[1].

Patterns of 跟踪 can be difficult to distinguish, 因此,了解这些行为的更广泛的背景和影响是很重要的. As we spend more of our time online and eng年龄d with technology, 个人有更多的方式利用这项技术对他人造成伤害. SHARPP认识到技术在跟踪和其他形式的人际暴力中的作用,并可以提供支持和服务来解决这些经历.

[1] 跟踪预防,意识,和资源中心-校园跟踪信息图

性骚扰 包括不受欢迎的性侵犯以及对他人生活产生负面影响的言语或身体行为, particularly in a work or school environment. 性骚扰 broadly can be broken into two categories:

  • 交换条件 骚扰指的是某人的教育或就业状况/机会(如招聘决定), 促销活动, performance evaluations, class or work schedule, 成绩等.)是基于他们对不受欢迎的性挑逗或给予/拒绝“性恩惠”的服从.”
  • Hostile environment 骚扰指的是一种情况,在这种情况下,不受欢迎的语言或非语言行为集中在另一个人的性取向上,或者因为他们的性别认同/表达而发生, 并且严重或普遍到足以影响他们的工作/教育环境.

性骚扰是一种控制策略,而不是欲望或性欲的表达. Many people experience 性 attraction and never go on to harass others; harassment is perpetrated in order to express dominance or power, organizationally or socially control someone, attempt to seek peer approval, and/or as a bullying tactic. It is a form violence and a violation of UNH policy.

Relationship abuse refers to a pattern of behavior that is used to gain & maintain power and control over another person. Relationship abuse can include physical, 性, 金融, 口头, or emotional acts or threats that influence another person. 一段关系中的虐待行为是那些可能导致伴侣感到恐惧的行为, 恐吓, 操纵, 羞辱, or be injured in some way.

  • 身体虐待 is what we often think of regarding relationship abuse. 这可能包括破坏财物、投掷物品、撞墙、踢门等. when angry or to intimidate a 合作伙伴. 它也可能包括殴打、拳打脚踢、拍打、掐死伴侣.
  • 情感虐待 may look like name-calling, insults, constant criticism, 羞辱 & 贬低, extreme jealousy and possessiveness, monitoring a 合作伙伴’s movements on social media or via other means, 不断地检查和监视某人去了哪里,或者他们和谁在一起, threatening suicide or self-harm to try and change a 合作伙伴’s behavior.
  • 性虐待 包括将伴侣视为物品和坚持严格的性别角色等行为, forcing or manipulating a 合作伙伴 into performing 性 acts, hurting a 合作伙伴 during 性 acts, ignoring a 合作伙伴’s feelings or needs regarding sex.
  • 金融滥用 可以包括使用合作伙伴的名字贷款,债务,账户等吗. that can have an impact on someone’s credit, controlling a 合作伙伴’s access to 金融 resources, interfering with someone's employment or education.

关系中所有形式的虐待都会对幸存者的生活产生重大影响. SHARPP recognizes that not all abuse is physical and provides support, 信息, and services to individuals who have experienced all types of abuse. 提倡者可以为那些担心自己或亲人关系的人提供帮助, and experiencing physical violence is not required to seek support.